Cómo dique lo que se há puesto en los blogs e mentira y está tolcío? Ete dialecto también e mío y tá má clairo quel agua. Dique dando orientación sexual y tóa la vaina a teenegel. Ja! Eso era una orgía lo que había ahí.
Yó nunca hé escuchado que en un foro de orientación sexual para adolescentes, los miembros se intercambian videos pornográficos y fotografías entre ellos.
Aquí etá tóa la vaina bien clairito:
pajiar, pajiarse, paja, is Dominican slang and all it means the same. (masturbate, masturbation)
ex: here, there, over there, they all mean the same
(past and present)

prepárense a pajiar (get ready to masturbate)
Dictionary where people from different countries add words

Well, is obvious this is not the basic Sexual Orientation 101,
this one is the Advanced Sexual Orientation 302, (prerequisite for Graduation)
With screen shots there's no way to twist or lie here.
Eto pica y se etiende, gracias por la traducción, que tiguere ete que me ayuda porque mi nó piki inglish.
another one:

She replied to Cuantico comment comparing gargamel(Remember The Smurf's cartoons? Well, the bad guy gargamel) with her cuca. (cuca for dominicans is their private part, reproductive organ of women)
Spiderwoman: Friend, believe me...you've seen an open clam? Well, just like that, but brown and purple.
Neither knew that in a sexual orientation for teenagers, the teacher gives the specifications of her clam, and even the color.

Es difícil negar algo cuando las pruebas lo muestran.
Los screen shots no mienten!
It is difficult to deny something when the evidence is shown.
The screen shots don't lie!
Hasta la próxima edición: Eto pica y se etiende!
Yó nunca hé escuchado que en un foro de orientación sexual para adolescentes, los miembros se intercambian videos pornográficos y fotografías entre ellos.
I never heard that in a forum of sexual orientation for teenagers, members exchanged pornographic videos and pictures between them.
Aquí etá tóa la vaina bien clairito:
pajiar, pajiarse, paja, is Dominican slang and all it means the same. (masturbate, masturbation)
ex: here, there, over there, they all mean the same
(past and present)

prepárense a pajiar (get ready to masturbate)
Dictionary where people from different countries add words

Well, is obvious this is not the basic Sexual Orientation 101,
this one is the Advanced Sexual Orientation 302, (prerequisite for Graduation)
With screen shots there's no way to twist or lie here.
Eto pica y se etiende, gracias por la traducción, que tiguere ete que me ayuda porque mi nó piki inglish.
another one:

Dear Diary:
Yesterday, well, today ... at about 3:15 am, I woke up with some fingers touching, and one tongue tasting my clitoris. Is so good to do whatever you want, then sleep hugging and wake up until sunrise .
Nó tengo nada en contra de la sexualidad de Spiderwoman ní de lo explícita que es, pero detesto la gente mentirosa y que trata de hacer ver a los demás que las palabras fueron torcidas y que es mentira lo que ella escribió.Yesterday, well, today ... at about 3:15 am, I woke up with some fingers touching, and one tongue tasting my clitoris. Is so good to do whatever you want, then sleep hugging and wake up until sunrise .
I thought that I would go blank ...hahahahahaha!

She replied to Cuantico comment comparing gargamel(Remember The Smurf's cartoons? Well, the bad guy gargamel) with her cuca. (cuca for dominicans is their private part, reproductive organ of women)
Spiderwoman: Friend, believe me...you've seen an open clam? Well, just like that, but brown and purple.
Neither knew that in a sexual orientation for teenagers, the teacher gives the specifications of her clam, and even the color.

Es difícil negar algo cuando las pruebas lo muestran.
Los screen shots no mienten!
It is difficult to deny something when the evidence is shown.
The screen shots don't lie!
Hasta la próxima edición: Eto pica y se etiende!
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