Well, AMC this is for you....since you lock the thread (like always) while I was posting.
I have a real life, family, work and so on.... and I hate to waste my precious time reading your nice comments....and also I don't live in that forum like you, Migue and all others do (20/7)
I have not reach my retirement age yet like you, so don't expect that members like me replies after your nice comments!!
My real FACE you ask for it... here, take it or leave it!!! Enjoy your ride!!!
Oh lady, lady!! You are making a big hole and you will find cold worms....usually I am just in a reading mode in here, but I have been quiet for more than one year, reading, analyzing and decoding. I have been reading you for a while and I can see your hate through your words, you are this type of person who thinks that your way of writing will affect in a bad way, (NOT ME)or that you can hurt (NOT ME)because you think you know more than others, (NOT MORE THAN ME)because you have the information members don't have and you enjoy that, I can see it in the way you post, you really ENJOY and REJOICE, but let me tell you something lady, I have more information than anyone and even The Bagheads don't know...why??? because I can't tell anyone, I have to follow my professional ethic, but just for that for anything else. And I'm just waiting for a move on Bux.to's side, but not for too long anymore. It have been more than ridiculously ENOUGH.
I'm posting this because I'm really tired of reading all this posts from all of you: "Oh, I have the information but I can't share because people will lynch me or lynch the owner or the owner's neighbor..."
"Ermm, I know what bux.to is cooking in the kitchen but I don't want or I can't share...this (mangú con salami)menu because I can't disclose private recipe information that is only for me, doing that will make me dishonest to bux.to(
and blah x 1000)

First I am not hiding, I'm here. I don't have hairs in my tongue....And since you are so curious, obsess and hungry (based on the way you post, is just so obvious and very easy to determine, you just can't hide it anymore but you don't want to admit it, your proud don't let you and there is where the problem begins)to know about one of the nick's from The Bagheads forum I will voluntarily cooperate with FREEDOM's nick, or maybe you are acting behalf someone who is scared to ask and is pretending not to know anything about it, but live at the same house...
I advise you honestly addressing your cases with a doctor because when a person believes their own lies the complications begin and get worst every day.
Narcissists do believe their own lies and they have no conscience. They don't think about how others feel. Others will perceive them as evil while they feel they are perfectly normal.
Well, I will be very specific and clear as possible because I hate to repeat my self, usually when somebody ask me the same thing more than once my second answer will not make any sense at all. Anyways, because your bad source did not make a good job on copying and pasting, screen shots or whatever....I will try to help you with some information...but not because I have to, or because you are demanding here that you will close the thread and such...believe me my only special people that I only make such favors are not based on forums, chats, internet and so on, my special and good friends are real just like Chrissie, which is one of my best friends. I know Chrissie for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time...*hint if you count the o's and convert them to years, you will find the exact answer .... hint* good friends shares a lot of things...
Hmmm let me see what else, oh we both have something in common we are blond, actually I'm naturally blond, but we ain't stupid. ..We know more of what you have been seem in here, there, over there, back there, in front of, behind of.. etc, etc, etc, ... and my last one,
contrary to your boss, my mistakes protects my identity. Go figure.
I was the member #1 on the Shack...looooooooooooong time ago also. To be honest I don't even know why you or others are so worry, well I will not say worry, anxious is the right word...actually very anxious to know what we talk in that forum, believe me I haven't found anything, not a simple interesting or important thing that deserve to talk about you or others, in a good or a bad way, nothing that really worth the talk. Yes we talk bad about bux.to>>>>>>>>>> the owner, we also express in a freely an open space why others are banned, why payments are not in order, the new marketing bux.to card thingy, which I believe is not a new person and I have my reasons to believe this but I will not post it in here, the ads and so on. FYI the things you read in one of The Bagheads forums are available for the public to read.
First you are WRONG I was not FREEDOM in there, I was nenaconga55 (I love my nick) same as here, (I'm not a continuous poster) Vince and Everstar was not even there when FREEDOM ask some of us privately if somebody can take that nick for a while because we suspect of having a mole (not Vince or Everstar) and FREEDOM was very close or on Bux.to admin's side's and had a lot of information posted. Nobody force me to be FREEDOM, I was like the medium, I always love weird stuff. We tricked the mole but we also knew that person was playing as Judas Iscariot.
Also after FREEDOM'S trip to Dominica, Germany and some other place I don't remember now, He haven't post anything. I will suggest you that before you post something that somebody else told you, or send you screen shots after the show starts, to go back and hack again, oops I mean copy and paste or before send you screen shots or whatever to start all over from Genesis to Revelation, that person sends you just The Revelation. You miss the Creation, you miss the Last Supper, you miss the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and now you are trying to understand the Apocalyptic prophecy without going through all the ones you missed.... you will never understand the end when you don't even went through the beginning.
And referring on what I have been read from the VIP hidden section, you and vpani conversation I read somewhere, about crooked lawyers in USA, I'm not a crooked lawyer, I'm maybe a hundred miles ahead of a lawyer, and taking Bux.to to court to make the owner demonstrate that he runs a legit business and that he or she have money to pay the members is not being and does not makes you a crooked lawyer, and this can be done with no problem at all, and all I say was BRING THEM ON because if bux.to have the money to pay, there shouldn't be any problem with this...just in case the mole also show you screen shots about the crooked lawyer conversation...I don't have to tell you this but because the mole maybe already did, and also I'm in a share mood,,....For your records....I have access to something that you don't , no matter where in this world you are, even in heaven or hell.......if you have been involved in any of this : a picture of you, a gov picture, driver license, fingerprints, accidents, hospitals, morgue, etc etc etc....name, last name, address, age, marital status, etc. etc. etc. shows up and you will not believe how fast all this info print.... go figure.... but of course this is Confidential and I am a Professional.
And to finish the longest post I have ever wrote in here.... I am not here to compete with nobody, just waiting to get paid but I'm not even here for money...
Oh and about this: Bold part are my replies to you.....
You write what you want if you are ready to face the legal consequences of your actions. Like there are
a) plans to harm a legal business (first bux.to have to demonstrate that everything is legal), in this case bux.to, with spreading libel, plans to harrass hosts with this, harassing payment processors with this and whatever else you expose you are doing.
(Who harassed paypal to kick out bux.to???)
b) creation of libellous blogs about bux.to and staff members (the creators of which I know full identity) (and?????????? you will also need to take ripoff site to court, and like about 1,000 scam reports, libelous blogs, sites etc etc etc about Bux.to... oh and don't forget GOOGLE)
c) plans to physically harm the owner of bux.to <<<<<>>>>>unless you and other staff have schizophrenia/paranoid where you can hallucinate as to something or someone (not real) like attacking to harm.)
Just to give a few examples. Add to that the clear exposure (Which is it? or few examples or clear exposure?Don't even try to go to court with contradictions, that will not work here or anywhere else) of how you plot constantly how to disrupt these forums, and next put that into practice, too.... that is already enough to get your fourm account and your bux.to account closed.
And if you persist, that is exactly what you will have as result. I can't shield you for a liftetime or know what those among you are doing with information they have sent to me. Play constantly with fire and you will eventualy get burned.(Yeah apply this for you also) I am providing band-aid. (I will also provide band-aid...but for you)

So that is your choice to make, I am for no thing in it.
And do now post the buxb.bb member names of this "list" here, or this thread will get closed.
(You feel like a Goddess when you lock and close threads right???)

(I will advice you: This is harassment from your part, don't play with fire or you will get burned. If you don't know USA law take a rule and
measure your words.)
(And I am MORE THAN READY to face the legal consequences of my alleged actions, Now my question to you is Are you ready to confront a big group of as you say are corrupt lawyers? Bux.to is ready? Because if you are not ready, and if you have nothing to do with Bux.to I will suggest you in a good manner to GET OUT OF THE WAY, or somebody else will grab your hand(with courtesy of course)
to escort you to the door, so you do not interfere with this long-awaited procedure...this is because you just sounds like the owner or acting and talking behalf of the owner.)
(I will give you some facts: just to cooperate in your search)
1- you will not find anything about me... 200% guaranteed
2- my identity have been distorted so don't waste your time or your brother's time.
3-start counting the errors, write it down, divide by 2, then multiply the result by 1000, then add 700, take out 200, divide that by 2 again...and there you go ...
*hint Don't forget that you need a factor by applying the difference of two squares rule. *hint
Oh! btw, Did you remember when you create a user name in House's forum to sneak around??? Well, Guess who blocked and trace your ip.????? YES!!!!! Me, Myself and I.

Another suggestion for you:
Before you drop your poison mix with truths and lies ... think twice!!!

A Message to Alt:
To refresh your memory, here are your country laws...
Computer Misuse Act (Chapter 50A of the Singapore Statutes)
Computer crime involves acts that attack the functions of a computer, access to a computer or the Internet, and similar items. They might be called “cyber-trespass”. They are viewed as crimes against a computer. Examples of these crimes are hacking, denying another access to Internet usage, and sending unsolicited or virus-causing electronic mail. Cyber crime, on the other hand, is traditional crime such as fraud, theft, extortion, and the like in which the computer is used as an instrument of the crime. These acts are traditional crimes that are facilitated through the use of a computer.
Most of the provisions of the Computer Misuse Act carry a maximum fine up to $10,000 Singaporean dollars and/or imprisonment up to three years for a first offense. For the second and subsequent offenses, the penalty is a fine up to $20,000 Singaporean dollars and/or imprisonment up to five years. If there was damage caused as a result of the crime, the penalty is a fine up to $50,000 and/or imprisonment up to seven years. If the crime involved a threat to Singapore’s security, or to the banking or other financial, communications, or transportation industries, or to public services including utilities, safety, police, civil defense, or medicine, the penalty is a fine up to $100,000 Singaporean dollars and/or imprisonment up to 20 years.
And for your information:
Singapore has created new law enforcement agencies with specially trained personnel to keep pace with the rapid advances in technology and the resulting proliferation of computer-based crimes. It has given its police force additional powers, including extra-territorial jurisdiction to aid in their efforts at apprehending computer-based criminals.
I have ENOUGH proof my dear! In fact I already contact Singapore with all the info... and more proof...we have given ENOUGH time to pay all the members but you people think that you can play games with members....well this is for all of you... "TWO COULD PLAY THE SAME FU&*#@$ GAME" Enjoy your ride also!!
And Alt don't even waste your time and energy trying to hack in here to shut down the blogs or the Shack...we got back ups... and believe me I will not let you or others twist my arm, I don't get tired, I love the challenge... that's why I am where I am.


Is this sounds familiar to you?????
Karma? I don't believe in something that have been never worked for me.
Now I do believe in what my dad always reminds me, and believe me this really works for my co-workers at a court drama time "think bad and you will be right"
§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; (3) the amount and substantiation of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and (4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.
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